Thursday 6 September 2012

"This city has been blessed with wonderful soap 
It made her pride among cities and countries
The spirits have searched in vain its formula
And the secret remained hidden, spiritual
A tiara [tawq] of perfection has embellished her
And her way is perfection
But his soap, and no surprise,
Two diadems [Tuqan] embellished
in its perfection"
Fadwa Tuqan

In the city of Nablus, the tradition of olive oil soap-making evolved into a major industry and an art. As early as the 10th century, the traditional olive oil soap from the city’s factories was exported across the Arab world, and as far a field as Europe, where it is said that sabon nabulsi was the soap of choice for Queen Elizabeth of England.

Yet a batch of olive oil soap can take up to a month to produce. Modern producers in Nablus insist the formula has not varied over the centuries, despite the availability of modern chemical compounds found in most manufactured soaps. Ingredients are mixed in a large vat over low heat for approximately five days, before the mixture is poured over a large floor space. Shortly afterward, casts are laid down to cut the soap into individual blocks, which are then stamped with the traditional seal of the factory of production. Once the soap is cut into blocks, it is stacked in geometric towers which allow for air circulation that assists in the drying process. The towering pyramids of soap climb to heights of over eight feet, and line the halls of the factory’s drying room for a period of between ten and thirty days, before they can be packaged and shipped

The benefits of the soap

The benefits of soap made from natural ingredients are several, especially that they help in maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.

    Organic soap made from coconut, olive oil or palm oil, is rich in vitamins, that helps people with sensitive skin and those who suffer from skin diseases like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other dry skin problems.
    When you use commercial soaps, you may have found your skin feeling dry and stretched . Withe the natural ingredients in handmade , organic soap , you will find your skin feeling smooth , and fresh , without any itchy feeling.
    Since handmade soap is made small batches, its freshness remains intact, thereby benefiting us more than the usual bar of soap.
    Handmade soap contains glycerin, that is a necessary moisturizing agent found in lotions and other skin creams. Several commercial soaps do not contain glycerin, which is what causes the skin to become dry .
    The natural oils in handmade soap, such as jojoba oil help in balancing the skin complexion.
    Synthetic fragrances are eliminated from handmade soap, and contain fragrances from natural essential oils. These have a great aromatherapy effect that is relaxing for the mind and body.
    These natural essential oils also have anti fungal and antibacterial properties, that make them good cleansers for the body, and are also useful for those with skin infections.
    Commercial soaps use synthetic colors which are harmful for the skin in the long run. On the other hand, natural soap contains natural colors attained from the original source. For instance, a blue soap is so because it has been made from lavender extract.
    The lather that is created with the use of commercial soap has found to cause severe damage to the environment, as it contains several harmful chemicals. Organic soap on the other hand is completely environment friendly and thus. by using it you are actually doing a 
favor to the environment.

the cooked soap is being spread on the ground

A worker measuring the soap pieces

A worker is signing the soap pieces 

The worker is cooking the soap

A worker throwing water into the soap

The workers do the cutting step

The worker moving the soap after cutting it into pieces

The final shape of soap


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